2024 | |
A Category of Banach Space Functors Mauricio Garay, Duco van Straten Journal of Lie Theory, Vol. 34, No. 1, 207-236 (2024) arXiv:2010.02320 [math.CV] |
A Hyperelliptic Saga on Generating Function of the Squares of Legendre Polynomials Mark van Hoeij, Duco van Straten, Wadim Zudilin arXiv: 2306.04921 [math.NT] |
2023 | Calabi-Yau operators of degree two Gert Almkvist, Duco van Straten Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics arXiv:2103.08651 [math.AG] |
Quasi-periodic motions on symplectic tori Mauricio Garay, Arezki Kessi, Duco van Straten, Nesrine Yousfi Journal of Singularities, Vol. 26, 23-62 (2023) |
Congruences via fibered motives Vasily Golyshev, Duco van Straten Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 1, 233–265 (2023) |
2021 | A special Calabi-Yau degeneration with trivial monodromy S. Cynk, D. van Straten Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (2021) arXiv:1812.01622.pdf ( |
2020 | A One Parameter Family of Calabi-Yau Manifolds with Attractor Points of Rank Two Philip Candelas, Xenia de la Ossa, Mohamed Elmi, Duco van Straten Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 10 2020, 202 (2020) arXiv:1912.06146 |
Hilbert modularity of some double octic Calabi-Yau threefolds Slawomir Cynk, Matthias Schütt, Duco van Straten Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 210, May 2020, 313-332 (2020) |
2019 | Dimensional Interpolation and the Selberg integral Vasily Golyshev, Duco van Straten, Don Zagier Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 145, 103455 (2019) arXive: 1906.00071 |
Rationalizing roots: an algorithmic approach Marco Besier, Duco van Straten, Stefan Weinzierl Communications in Number Theory and Physics Vol. 13 No. 2, 253–297 (2019) hep-th; hep-ph; math-ph; MITP/18-091 arXive: 1809.10983 |
Bhabha Scattering and Special pencil of K3 surfaces Dino Festi, Duco van Straten Communications in Number Theory and Physics, Vol. 13, No. 2, 463-485 (2019) |
Periods of double octic Calabi-Yau manifolds Slawomir Cynk, Duco van Straten Annales Polonici Mathematici, Vol. 123 (2019) |
Picard-Fuchs operators for octic arrangements I (The case of orphans) Slawomir Cynk, Duco van Straten Communications in Number Theory and Physics, Vol. 13 No. 1, 1-52 (2019) |
Calabi-Yau Operators Duco van Straten in Uniformization, Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence, Calabi-Yau Manifolds & Picard-Fuchs Equations (Eds. Lizhen Ji, Shing-Tung Yau), Advanced Lectures in Mathematics, Vol. 42, 2018 arXive 1704.00164 |
2017 | CY-Operators and L-Functions Duco van Straten MATRIX Annals 2017, 491-503 (2017) |
Logarithmic vector fields and the Severi strata in the discriminant Singularities in: Geometry, Topology, Foliations and Dynamics (A Celebration of the 60th Birthday of J. Seade, Merida, Mexico, 12/2014) Eds.: J. L. Cisneros-Molina, D.T. Lê, M. Oka, J. Snoussi 55-76, Birkhäuser (2017) |
On a theorem of Greuel and Steenbrink in: Singularities and computer algebra (Festschrift for Gert-Martin Greuel on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday) Eds.: W. Decker, G. Pfister, M. Schulze 353–364, Springer (2017) |
Twisted cubics on cubic fourfolds Christian Lehn, Manfred Lehn, Christoph Sorger, Duco van Straten Crelle‘s J. reine u. angew. Math., Vol. 731, 87-128 (2017) |
2016 | Weak Whitney regularity implies equimultiplicity for families of complex hypersurfaces David Trotman, Duco van Straten Ann. de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse, Vol. XXV no. 1, 161-170 (2016) |
2015 | Dwork congruences and reflexive polytopes Kira Samol, Duco van Straten Ann. Math. Quebec, Vol. 39, 185-203 (2015) |
From Briancon-Skoda to Scherk-Varchenko Duco van Straten in: Commutative Algebra and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry I Eds: D. Eisenbud, S. B. Iyengar, A. K. Singh, J. T. Stafford, M. Van den Bergh MSRI Publications, Vol. 67, 347-370 (2015) |
Some Monodromy Groups of Finite Index Jörg Hofmann, Duco van Straten J. Aust. Math. Soc., Vol. 99, 48-62 (2015) |
Gorenstein-duality for one-dimensional almost complete intersections with an application to non-isolated real singularities Duco van Straten, Thorsten Warmt Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., Vol. 158, 249-268 (2015) |
2014 | Resurgent deformation quantisation Mauricio Garay, Axel de Goursac, Duco van Straten Annals of Physics, Vol. 342, 83-102 (2014) |
2013 | Tree Singularities: Limits, Series and Stability Duco van Straten in: Deformations of Surface Singularities Eds.: A. Némethi, A.Szilárd Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, Vol. 23, 229-287, Springer (2013) |
Calabi-Yau conifold expansions Slawomir Cynk, Duco van Straten in: Arithmetic Geometry of K3 Surfaces and Calabi-Yau Threefolds Eds.: R. Laza, R. Schütt, N. Yui Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 67, 499-515 (2013) |
An Abelian Surface with (1, 6)-Polarisation Michael Semmel, Duco van Straten Nonlinearity, Vol. 26, 2973-2992, (2013) arXive: 1211.6200 |
On symplectic hypersurfaces Manfred Lehn, Yoshinori Namikawa, Christoph Sorger, Duco van Straten in: Minimal models and extremal rays (Kyoto 2011) Eds.: J. Kollár, O. Fujino, S. Mukai, N. Nakayama Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 99, 1-24 (2013) |
On the monodromy of the moduli space of Calabi-Yau threefolds coming from eight planes in P3 Ralf Gerkmann, Mao Sheng, Kang Zuo, Duco van Straten Math. Ann., Vol. 355, 187-214 (2012) |
2012 | Lines on the Dwork Pencil of Quintic Threefolds Philip Candelas, Xenia de la Ossa, Bert van Geemen, Duco van Straten Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., Vol. 16, No. 6, 1779-1836 (2012) arXive: 1206.4961 |
An Index Theorem for Modules on a Hypersurface Singularity Ragnar Buchweitz, Duco van Straten Moscow Math. Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 237-259 (2012) |
Hyperelliptic integrals and generalized arithmetic-geometric mean Jeroen Spandaw, Duco van Straten Ramanujan Journal, Vol. 28, 61-78 (2012) |
2011 | Generalizations of Clausen's formula and algebraic transformations of Calabi-Yau differential equations G. Almkvist, Duco van Straten, Wadim Zudilin Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 54, 273-295 (2011) |
2010 | Hodge classes associated to 1-parameter families of Calabi-Yau 3-folds Pedro Luis Del Angel, Stefan Müller-Stach, Duco van Straten, Kang Zuo Acta Math. Vietnam, Voll. 35 No. 1, 7-22 (2010) |
Classical and Quantum Integrability Mauricio D. Garay, Duco van Straten Moscow Math. Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, 519-545 (2010) |
2009 | Small Resolutions and Non-Liftable Calabi-Yau threefolds Slawomir Cynk, Duco van Straten Manus. Math., Vol. 130, 233-249 (2009) |
Smoothing of Quiver Varieties Klaus Altmann, Duco van Straten Manus. Math., Vol. 129, 211-230 (2009) |
2008 | Apéry Limits of Differential Equations of Order 4 and 5 Gert Almkvist, Duco van Straten, Wadim Zudilin in: Modular Forms and String Duality Eds.: N. Yui, C. Doran, H. Verrill Fields Institute Communications, Vol. 54, 105-123 (2008) |
Frobenius polynomials for Calabi-Yau equations Kira Samol, Duco van Straten Comm. in Number Theory and Physics, Vol. 2, No. 3, 537-561 (2008) |
Real Line Arrangements and Surfaces with Many Real Nodes Sonja Breske, Oliver Labs, Duco van Straten in: Geometric modeling and algebraic geometry Eds.: B. Jüttler, R. Piene 47-54, Springer (2008) |
2006 | Some Problems on Lagrangian Singularities Duco van Straten in: Singularities and computer algebra Eds.: C. Lossen, G. Pfister London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes, Vol 324, 333-349, Cambridge Univ. Press (2006) |
Monodromy calculations of fourth order equations of Calabi-Yau type Christian van Enckevort, Duco van Straten in: Mirror symmetry V Eds: N. Yui, S.-T. Yau, J. Lewis Stud. in Adv. Math., Vol. 38, 539–559, AMS/IP, Providence, RI (2006) arXive: 0412539 |
Infinitesimal Deformations of double covers of smooth algebraic varieties Slawomir Cynk, Duco van Straten Math. Nachr., Vol. 279, no. 7, 716-726 (2006) |
2004 | Rigid and complete intersection Lagrangian singularities Christian Sevenheck, Duco van Straten Manus. Math., Vol. 114, no. 2, 197-209 (2004) |
2003 | A visual introduction to cubic surfaces using the computer software SPICY Oliver Labs, Duco van Straten in: Algebra, Geometry, and Software Systems Eds.: M. Joswig, N. Takayama 225-238, Springer (2003) |
Deformation of singular lagrangian subvarieties Christian Sevenheck, Duco van Straten Math. Ann., Vol. 327, 79-102 (2003) |
On the Topology of Langrangian Milnor Fibres Mauricio D. Garay, Duco van Straten IMRN, Vol. 35, 1933-1943 (2003) |
Stochastic factorizations, sandwiched simplices and the topology of the space of explanations David Mond, Jim Smith, Duco van Straten Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Vol. 459, 2821-2845 (2003) |
2002 | A criterion for the equivalence of formal singularities Konrad Möhring, Duco van Straten Am. J. Math., Vol. 124, 1319-1327 (2002) |
2001 | The modularity of the Barth-Nieto quintic and its relatives Klaus Hulek, Jeroen Spandaw, Bert van Geemen, Duco van Straten Adv. Geom. 1, no. 3, 263-289 (2001) |
Milnor Number equals Tjurina Number for Functions on Space Curves David Mond, Duco van Straten J. of the London Math. Soc. (2), Vol. 63, 177-187 (2001) |
The structure of the discriminant of some space curve singularities David Mond, Duco van Straten Quart. J. Math., Vol. 52, No. 3, 355-365 (2001) |
2000 | Projective resolutions associated to projections Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten Manus. Math., Vol. 101, 415-427 (2000) |
Mirror symmetry and toric degenerations of partial flag manifolds Victor Batyrev, Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine, Bumsig Kim, Duco van Straten Acta Mathematica, Vol. 184 No. 1, 1-39 (2000) |
The polyhedral Hodge number h2,1 and vanishing of obstructions Klaus Altmann, Duco van Straten Tohuku Math J., Vol. 52 No. 4, 579-602 (2000) |
1999 | Knotted Milnor fibres David Mond, Duco van Straten Topology, Vol. 38 No. 4, 915-929 (1999) |
1998 | Conifold transitions and mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau complete intersections in Grassmannians Victor Batyrev, Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine, Bumsig Kim, Duco van Straten Nucl. Phys., Vol. B 514, 640-666 (1998) |
Euler number of the compactified Jacobian and multiplicities of rational curves Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche, Duco van Straten J. of Alg. Geometry, Vol. 8 No. 1, 115-133 (1998) |
Deformation theory of Sandwiched Singularities Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten Duke Math. J., Vol. 95 No. 3, 451-522 (1998) |
1995 | The intermediate Jacobians of the theta divisors of four-dimensional principally polarized abelian varieties Elham Izadi, Duco van Straten J. of Alg. Geometry, Vol. 4 No. 3, 557-590 (1995) |
A Note on the Discriminant of a Space Curve Duco van Straten Manus. Math., Vol. 87 No. 2, 167-177 (1995) |
1994 | On the deformation theory of rational surface singularities with reduced fundamental cycle Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten J. of Alg. Geometry, Vol. 3 No. 1, 117-172 (1994) |
1993 | Generalized Hypergeometric Functions and Rational Curves on Calabi-Yau Complete Intersections in Toric Varieties Victor Batyrev, Duco van Straten Comm. of Math. Physics, Vol. 168, 493-533 (1993) |
Algebraizations with minimal class group A. J. Parameswaran, Duco van Straten Int. J. of Math., Vol. 4 No.6, 989-996 (1993) |
A Quintic Hypersurface in P4 with 130 Nodes Duco van Straten Topology, Vol. 32 No. 4, 857-864 (1993) |
Quotient spaces and critical points of invariant functions for C∗-actions James Montaldi, Duco van Straten Crelle's J. reine u. Angew. Math., Vol. 437, 55-99 (1993) |
The cusp forms of weight 3 on Γ(2,4,8) Bert van Geemen, Duco van Straten Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 61 No. 204, 849-872 (1993) |
1992 | A construction of Q-Gorenstein smoothings of index two Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten Int. J. of Math., Vol. 3 No. 3, 341-347 (1992) |
1991 | Disentanglements Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten in: Singularity Theory and its Applications, Warwick 1989, vol 1 Eds.: D. Mond, J. Montaldi Lecture Notes Math., Vol. 1462, 199-211, Springer (1991) |
On the Base Space of a Semi-universal Deformation of Rational Quadruple points Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten Ann. of Math., Vol. 134, 653-678 (1991) |
1990 | Deformations of the Normalization of Hypersurfaces Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten Math. Ann., Vol. 288, 527-547 (1990) |
A Deformation Theory for Non-Isolated Singularities Theo de Jong, Duco van Straten Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, Vol. 60, 177-208 (1990) |
One-forms on singular curves and the topology of real curve singularities James Montaldi, Duco van Straten Topology, Vol. 29 No. 4, 501-510 (1990) |
1998 | Abelian surfaces of type (1, 4) Christina Birkenhage, Herbert Lange, Duco van Straten Math. Ann., Vol. 285, 625-646 (1989) |
A note on the number of periodic orbits near a resonant equilibrium point Duco van Straten Nonlinearity, Vol. 2, 445-458 (1989) |
1985 | On the Betti numbers of the Milnor fibre of a certain class of hypersurface singularities Duco van Straten in: Singularities, Representations of Algebras and Vector Bundles Eds.: G.-M. Greuel, G. Trautmann Lecture Notes Math., Vol. 1273, 203-220 (1985) |
Extendability of holomorphc differential forms near isolated hypersurface singularities Josef Steenbrink, Duco van Straten Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg, Vol. 55, 97-110 (1985) |
2024 | Paramodular forms from Calabi-Yau Operators Nutsa Gegelia, Duco van Straten ArXiv: 2408.10183[math.NT] |
A remarkable eelliptic curve D. van Straten arXiv: 2404.05852 |
Product formulas for the Higher Bessel functions |
2023 | |
2020 | Non-abelian Abel's theorems and quaternionic rotation V. Golyshev, A. Mellit, V. Rubtsov, D. van Straten arXiv:2102.09511 [math.NT] |
2019 | The Spectrum of Singularities Duco van Straten arXiv:2003.00519 [math.AG] |
Hamiltonian Normal Forms Mauricio Garay, Duco van Straten arXiv:1909.06053v1 [math.DS] |
Versal deformations of vector field singularities Mauricio Garay, Duco van Straten arXiv:2011.06802 [math.DS] |
2018 | KAM Theory. Part I, II, III Mauricio Garay, Duco van Straten I: Group actions and the KAM Problem II: Kolmogorov spaces III: Applications |
2009 | A Quintic Hypersurface in P8(C) with Many Nodes Oliver Labs, Oliver Schmidt, Duco van Straten arXiv:0909.3367v1 [math.AG]1981 |
2005 | Tables of Calabi-Yau equations Gert Almkvist, Christian van Enckevort, Duco van Straten, Wadim Zudilin arXiv: math/0507430 [math.AG] |
Weitere Arbeiten
1981 | De invloed van meteorologische omstandigheden op de geluiddempende werking van een bos van Straten, Klumpen, Mulder, van Santen |
1981 | Enkele metingen aan drainerende zeepvliezen van Straten, Kloosterziel |